Work & Projects

Marley Spoon

Ruby, Rails, RSpec, JavaScript, React, Jest, Enzyme, Cypress, PostgreSQL, Redis, Kafka, Sidekiq, Ansible, Terraform, AWS, DigitalOcean, Codeship

Since January 2017 I'm working for the Logistics Team at Marley Spoon. Read more

Travis CI

Ruby, Rails, RSpec, SCSS, PostgreSQL, Heroku, Redis, Elasticsearch

From June - November 2016 I did an internship at Travis CI in the "Project Emerald". Read more


JavaScript, React, Node, SCSS, Gulp

Together with the very talented Conny Kawohl I am working on an interactive periodic table. Read more

Ruby, Rails, RSpec, Haml, SCSS, Coffeescript, MySQL, GitLab

November 2015 - Mai 2016 I was working for Loock & Humphreys GbR at a Ruby on Rails App called cantinio. There are a lot of great lunch options in metropolitan areas and cantinio was created to help find them. The service is free and open to all, restaurants and users. Read more

Ruby, Rails, MiniTest, SCSS, PostgreSQL, Heroku

Together with the lovely Ruby Monstas and Travis Foundation I've been working on a Ruby on Rails App since July 2015. At conferences can offer free tickets, travel grants or accommodation for their event to minority groups like women in tech. Read more